Costs incurred in respect of the dates of the 2023 congress (September 14-15, 2023)
Invoice & Supporting documents
Supply of tickets/invoicesas well as original and individual supporting documents (including photocopy of vehicle registration document for calculation of mileage costs)
Filling in the expense report
Join your Bank account identification (Name + IBAN + BIC)
Upload on the onco-urovar Drive
Submission of supporting documents in a personal folder accessible at the following address: drive onco-urovar
Photocopy of the vehicle registration document necessary in the case of kilometric allowances
- Complete expense report file (availble in Excel format)
- Complete submission before:09/29/2023
Send by email
Complete the expense report
Scan or take a picture of all supporting documents
Photocopy of the vehicle registration document necessary in the case of kilometric allowances
Send everything by email to
Complete submission before:09/22/2023
Refund conditions
The Onco-urovar congress reimburses the travelling expenses under the following conditions:
Eligibility for refund
Reimbursementsents relate toare guests of the following categories:
Specialists (including speakers and moderators), excluding those whose journey is supported by laboratories
General practitioners
and whose place of residence is located beyond 40km from the congress venue
These travel expenses include:
On presentation of original supporting documents.
Train / Plane / Boat / Taxi / Public transport
On the basis of a 2nd class round-trip (1st class by train for speakers/moderators)
Taxi only for return journeys from home to station/airport and from congress to station/airport